After introducing a new HUD and tinkering with the combat system, it was time to add more flavour to our action.

So without further ado, we present to you:

The Status Effect System

We believed our protagonist, Aryn, needed a few more challenges in combat so we decided to initiate a system which included debuffs and resistances to add a new dimension to combat. The Status Effect System comprises the following:

  • Debuff Source

  • Debuff Type

  • Resistance Type

The Debuff Source has two types:

The Debuff source specifies how and from where a debuff is applied on the Player Character(PC).

  1. Instant Apply Debuffs: This can be used on enemy weapons, projectiles etc., where the effect of the debuff is applied instantly upon contact with the PC.

  2. Apply-over-time Debuffs: This type of debuff is applied to the PC over a duration. This type of Debuff can be used for environment sources. For eg. When the PC is standing in a poison lake, he needs to stand for a minimum duration for the poison debuff to apply. 

Debuff Source Applications

Debuff Types

  1. Stacking Debuffs: This debuff type stacks each time the debuff is applied. This means that every time a debuff is applied, a new duration ticker is added on top of the existing one. 

  2. Refreshing Debuffs: Each time this debuff is applied, the duration time for the debuff is reset instead of stacking a new one.

The below image outlines the method used for applying the status effect changes (debuffs) in their current form. 


Resistances reduce the effect of debuffs in two distinct ways:

  1. For Apply-over-time Debuffs, the duration to apply is reduced. This means that the PC can stand longer in an environment source(poison lake) before the debuff(poison) is applied.

  2. For Instant Apply Debuffs, the debuff duration is reduced. This means that once the PC gets a debuff(poisoned), the debuff effect lasts for a shorter time. The higher the resistance, the shorter the time.

Resistances can be permanently upgraded using an in-game resource (eg. upgrade points) and can also be temporarily boosted by using consumables (eg. poison resistance potion).

Types of debuffs (Version 1.0) 

There are various debuff types and effects that have been incorporated so far:

  1. Fire - Damage over Time(DoT) and Return Damage when the opponent is close and attacks the PC.

  2. Frost - Slows all movement actions and with enough stacks of this debuff, the PC ends up in a frozen state until the effect wears off. 

  3. Poison - PC’s Attacks have a miss chance and the effect of healing is reduced greatly.

  4. Bleed - Damage taken by the PC is increased and any movement action causes bleed damage until the effect wears out. 

  5. Cursed - Max HP is greatly reduced. This Debuff alters the PC’s appearance and changes his attack moveset for a temporary duration.

And that brings you all up to speed on our development journey. We assure you that we have more development updates coming soon as we have a whole lot more planned. 

However, for now, we are super excited to announce our official Brewed games Discord Server! Make sure to join the server so you don’t miss out on screenshots, concept art, exclusive gameplay footage, and opportunities to take part in testing! 


01.04.2023 - Demo Patch 1.0.1 - New Boss Art!


12.07.2022 - New Combat system, New HUD.