03.04.2023 - Demo Patch 1.0.2 - Better Wrath.

Hello folks!

Winds Of Arcana Demo Patch 1.0.2 is now live!

Here are the changes:

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed issues where Aryn could interact with the push and pull crate while mid air.

  • Fixed an issue with the Wrath Runeshard where the Blessing of Azhuka would stay applied after healing, despite Aryn’s health being above the trigger threshold (no more 15 shotting bosses).

  • Fixed an issue with the Wrath Runeshard where the Blessing of Azhuka would not apply if the Runeshard was equipped after Aryn’s health fell below the threshold.

  • Fixed an issue where the player would not receive the loot if the player died as soon as the loot was dropped.

  • Fixed an issue where several wave encounters were not triggered.

  • Fixed issues relating to some unintended environmental hazards triggering on moving platforms.

Quality of life Changes

  • Updated Boss HP bar and UI.

  • General UI updates to accommodate 16:10 screen resolution and ultra wide displays.

We are trying to push regular mini-updates to keep improving the player experience. The response has been pretty uplifting so far and we are thankful for all the feedback that we are receiving, keep em' coming!



01.04.2023 - Demo Patch 1.0.1 - New Boss Art!